The conversion server must be version 3.24 or higher Some components must be installed for the conversion server. The conversion server use OpenOffice to convert any document to pdf file and then use Apache PDFBox to convert the pdf file to one or more png files. *** Windows *** 1) download and install OpenOffice from Note, to support non-English characters, certain language packages must be installed. 2) download and install Java run time from 3) download and save "pre-built PDFBox standalone binary" from 4) edit configm.ini for entries python_path=C:/Program Files (x86)/ 3/program/python.exe pdfbox_path=C:/pdfbox-app-2.0.4.jar replace the path for python.exe and pdfbox-app-x.y.z.jar according to your installation destination. 5) manually test unoconv component(optional): find a target document such as test.doc, in command line: "~python_path/python.exe" "~mcu_path/unoconv" -f pdf "~path/test.doc" a file test.pdf should be created 6) manually test convert component(optional): after test.pdf is created, in command line: java -jar "C:/pdfbox-app-2.0.4.jar" PDFToImage -format png -color rgba -startPage 1 -endPage 1 "~path/test.pdf" a png file should be created 7) edit configm.ini for entry max_conversion_thread= depending on how powerful this computer is, configure the maximum conversion thread 8) edit configm.ini for entry conversion_allow= to allow a MCU to use this conversion server, add its IP address to this entry 9) edit configm.ini for file type control convert_type_whitelist= convert_type_blacklist= if a file type will hang openoffice, the type can be blocked by adding it to blacklist or removing it from whitelist *** Linux *** 1) Most Linux boxes already have Libre/OpenOffice installed. If not, manually install a complete OpenOffice package, including core, spreadsheet, presentation, word processor, languages packages, pyuno, etc. Note, the installation of OpenOffice may need graphic interface. Note, to support non-English characters, certain language packages must be installed. 2) download and install Java run time from 3) download and save "pre-built PDFBox standalone binary" from 4) edit configm.ini for entries pdfbox_path=~mcu_path/pdfbox-app-2.0.4.jar replace the path for pdfbox-app-x.y.z.jar according to your installation destination. 5) manually test unoconv component(optional): find a target document such as test.doc, in command line: soffice --headless --convert-to pdf -outdir "~path" "~path/test.doc" You may need to run OpenOffice in a GUI window first: soffice -listenter & ~mcu_path/unoconv -f pdf "~path/test.doc" a file test.pdf should be created if not working, try verbose version: ~mcu_path/unoconv -f pdf -vvv "~path/test.doc" Note, check if there is no existing LibreOffice process running on the system that could interfere with proper functioning # pgrep -l 'office|writer|calc' Note, for more help, check site 6) manually test convert component(optional): after test.pdf is created, in command line: java -jar "~mcu_path/pdfbox-app-2.0.4.jar" PDFToImage -format png -color rgba -startPage 1 -endPage 1 "~path/test.pdf" a png file should be created 7) edit configm.ini for entry max_conversion_thread= depending on how powerful this computer is, configure the maximum conversion thread 8) edit configm.ini for entry conversion_allow= to allow a MCU to use this conversion server, add its IP address to this entry 9) edit configm.ini for file type control convert_type_whitelist= convert_type_blacklist= if a file type will hang openoffice, the type can be blocked by adding it to blacklist or removing it from whitelist